Kate Ross
Might private school be the right choice for your child?
Independent schools like St David's Prep School offer significant benefits such as smaller class sizes and a reliably strong standard of education with excellent teachers and are more affordable than you may think.
A Great Celebration!
Year 6 and their parents all had a wonderful evening on Friday celebrating their successes and achievements.
Year 2 present their Victorian Assembly
Year 2 presented an assembly on Victorians to both pupils and parents this week. They told stories of famous people and there was even a visit from Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.
Magnificent Maths!
Making the most of this beautiful weather, Year 3 spent time outside taking part in some maths challenges.
Wishford Weekend 2017
Year 6 returned on Sunday from a weekend at Hatherop Castle with the children from five of the other Wishford Schools.
Come and have fun at the Summer Holiday Club
There will be two weeks of holiday club, one at the beginning of the break and one at the end. Come along and have fun with your friends.